AHQ: I Have a Bump on My Lip and I'm Scared


Allie Has Questions is a new column where Greta answers any questions you have. Read more about the origins of the column here, and read past posts here. Do you have a question you want answered? Submit your question at this link, and you could be Allie for a post.

Dear Greta,

What is the difference between oral herpes and genital herpes? Can you get one from the other?? I have a bump on my lip and I’m scared.


Dear Allie,

As you allude to, there are two types of herpes: HSV-1 and HSV-2, which are short for herpes simplex virus type one and herpes simplex virus type two, respectively. Though we commonly distinguish between oral and genital herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2 don’t actually neatly fall into the categories of “oral” and “genital” that we’ve been taught (or, at least, that I’ll own I was taught in school). HSV-1 is commonly called “oral herpes” and HSV-2 is commonly called “genital herpes,” but it ends up that this delineation is misleading. While HSV-2 can only be contracted in the genital region, HSV-1 can be transmitted orally or genitally––though it is most commonly an oral affliction.

HSV-1 and -2 present fairly similarly. Both begin with a tingling sensation and redness, and then culminate in a bump(s), which turns into a blister(s). The difference is that HSV-1 generally just has one or two bumps, usually close together, where HSV-2 presents many more blisters over a larger zone. HSV-1 can be spread through drinking from the same cup, using the same toothbrush, etc.––HSV-2 can only be spread through direct contact between mucous membranes (think: wet parts of the body).

So, to summarize: HSV-1 can be contracted either orally or genitally, and is less severe. HSV-2 can only be contracted genitally, and is more severe. “Oral herpes” can be transmitted to “genital herpes,” but not vice-versa. And no, the bump is not herpes, which I can say because we’re friends and I can tell you’re freaking out about nothing. (But even if it were herpes, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Herpes can only be transmitted when the virus is active, so you’d just have to wait a bit before kissing or sharing drinks or whatever it was you were planning).




for more medical information: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/herpes-simplex-virus

for insight into what it’s like to live with herpes (it’s not that scary!): https://www.instagram.com/my_boyfriend_has_herpes